Thursday, April 11, 2019

Breastfeeding Secret: Increase Milk Production

Yes, I am blogging again. For what you ask? For companionship. My blog is my friend. And I miss you old friend.

I thought I would write about the latest secret I no longer want to keep secret. For the longest time I have been packing on the pounds (so freaking fat!!) so that my last two babies can get all-naturale churned breast milk to their hearts content. These two--urgh--they despise formula milk like the plague-- I just wasted hundreds of $$$ trying all sorts of formula. So when I got pregnant with Lily, Luqman totally stopped all milk intake and got his BMI measurement on par with Kate Moss. 

So what is the secret? I came across it quite accidentally. I was complaining to my sister about how sick I was of eating cookies that was so ridiculously expensive and tasteless and she said why don't you just get the anti-vomit tablets, they increase milk production. And I'm like what?? I was in NICU for 5 weeks and everybody was selling lactation cookies off of each other and the doctor could have easily prescribed me with anti-sickness medication!?? 

And I am telling you they do work. I take a tablet whenever necessary, an hour before I need to feed Lily and I am swelling up like a cow on speed. Poor Luqman didn't have the luxury. Mama will get you an extra toy baby.

So stop eating all those cookies and become a fat mama. Just take the anti-nauseous tablets and become a hot one. And may there be no other babies deprived of mommy's milk out there. Because formula just doesn'

Life Saver

p/s I am not a medical doctor. I will not take any responsibility on your health and baby if you take this advice. Please consult your doctor before taking any medication.

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